sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Today is a new year

Definitely my last day of the year, was better than i expect. I helped a little bit with the dinner (I dont know how to  cook, so its one of those things, that i never finish). We made lasagna, and ham, delicious.
It was wonderful to have those memories with my parents and my sister, I love them so much.
Then i went at my boyfriend's house, then to a bar to celebrate new year, and yes we kiss, the first kiss of the year :DDD
A little bit after we go back to his house, and saw movies. It was great, to past new year with him. So 2011 here we go.
Happy new year.
Liz :)

1 comentario:

  1. Happy New Year! I don't know how to cook either! Does frying an egg count :-P xxoxoxoo
