sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

JPL open house!

Yeap! I'm a big girl, and I love rockets ;)
The last Saturday I went to Pasadena, to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, and it was AWESOME, I definitely recommend this place!

Liz  C:

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


Do you like cats?
Well, I love those little animals, but I can't get one, because my sister is afraid to, my mom is allergic, and  my dad doesn't like them. :C

But I can enjoy of them, thanks to this lovely site.

Hope all of you like it. ;)


jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Jueves :D

Hace mucho que no entraba al blog, pero hoy decidi, que tenia que publicar algo. Bueno estas son unas fotos de algunas cosas que me ha regalado mi novio, que son un Pikachu, por que soy fan de Pokemon, haha bien geek y un dunny de kidrobot. Y lo que mas me ha gustado, un
 DIY Plush Toy, hecho por Adrian :D
Y los zapatos de hasta abajo me los compre el lunes a 5 dlls ;)

Bonito fin de semana :DD

Today I decided, I had to post something. Well here are some photos of some things that my boyfriend gave me,  just because. Well, there is a Pikachu, because I'm a fan of Pokemon, a little geekie  haha and a dunny from Kidrobot. And what I liked most,  is a DIY Plush Toy, made ​​by Adrian: D (my boyfriend).

And the shoes that I bought last Monday, just for 5 dlls ;)
hahaha so lucky!

And that's all have an amazing weekend!


martes, 22 de febrero de 2011


Alooo, hace unos dias me encontre con algo que me encanto, se trata de una muchacha que es muy creativa y hace cosas demasiado bonitas, me enamore de ella, juntare dinero y le comprare, bueno eso espero, ella es Cassia Beck.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011


Estoy enferma y eso interfiere con todas mis actividades diares, ultimamente me he sentido invencible, y siento que no me debo enfermar, es algo raro, pero me hizo caer en la realidad. No soy supergirl y tambien ocupo tiempo para mi, y no descuidar las cosas, por ejemplo, este queridisimo blog.

I'm sick and that interferes with my activities to study, I felt invincible lately, and I feel that I should not get sick, it is weird, but it made me fall in reality. I'm not supergirl and alsoI need to take time for me, and not neglect things, for example, the dearest blog.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Ayyyy :C

Estoy hecha una bola de nervios manana empiezo con practicas
profesionales, dando terapia

I dying here! I have nerves cuz tomorrow I begin to practice 
professionals providing therapy 

fear / excitement!

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Busy as a bee

I'm back in school, and is my last year, so, I have to do a lot of things :S I need to star my professional practice, I desperately more time.This is what I wore yesterday, I love this skirt, is from my sister, but she never used it.. so I took it, and is in my room now. And that blouse is from a swapmeet, I adore the back. And those boots are my fave, I found it in a vintage store here in down town Tijuana, I gave to the guy from the store 200 pesos, like 16 bucks ;) That was lucky.

I felt a little weird these past days, I don't know why, maybe because I'm growing up, or is my last year in school, or just my period is coming up XD.
Well that's all for the moment

Liz ;)

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011


Hi, this week was painful, I went to the dentist, and she removed my wisdom tooth, that was on Thursday, since that day I've been drinking all my food ( ahh little disgusting, I know). But the good news, my boyfriend gift me a R2D2, from Star Wars :DD waaaaa! I'm a geeky girl.

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Chinese food!

Today was great, i woke up late, go to the bathroom, then to the kitchen and Oh! surprise, there was my sister's boyfriend... mmm not a great way to start my day, anyway my mom told me that we'll going for chinese food, so I dressed up, trying to look pretty ;).  I ate too fast, and my stomach almost explote :DDD
Then pass a little time with my lovely boyfriend :DD, and saw Religulous.
The last photo, is my happy face after eat tons of chinse food :D
Great Last Monday.